About the book:
This is a fantasy, women's fiction book. It is simply a motivational poem for women around and all over the world.
Usually, this book is not about women's daily issues. But, it's the kind of motivation for women who feel hopeless and worthless. As a teenager, I don't know much. But, I have seen a lot of women around me who inspired me to this poem. This poem is not about how to solve the issues, it's about inspiration and motivation for the present, and upcoming women to know that we are gods strongest creation. We are special and unique. We may not be physically strong. However, we are mentally and emotionally the strongest of all. We must always be ready to uphill the struggle and work our fingers to the bone. As said by Michelle Obama -
"There is no limit to what we, as women can accomplish".
Positive vibes and thoughts are what we all need in life. Just fresh up, and see the world with blue eyes. Doing something better, for people to remember you even after you die. This world is a beautiful lie. Enjoy it to the fullest. Ease out on things to sort out.
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